[POEM] I Will

Launch me into darkness

and I will sculpt the universe.

Bury me beneath the birch’s roots

and I will cultivate a nation.

Tuck me between the covers

and I will give birth to love.

Shelter me with padded walls

and I will emerge uneasy and carnivorous.

Blend me into batter

and I will rise into sustenance.

Lift me toward the clouds

and I will build wings to the stars.

Teach me the paths to nirvana

and I will become the Psychopomp.

Read to me

and I will listen.

open book

[DISCUSS] ‘Scuse Me

So, if you didn’t notice, I just pumped out a 2-parter poem titled ‘Scuse Me parts 1 and 2. These were spurred on by a post I saw on Facebook. You see, ironic contrary to my religious position, I follow God on Facebook! There’s a lot of people who post on God’s wall for giggles, to condemn Him for mocking… Himself, and for genuine help in their lives. You’d be surprised how many people He’s given a helping hand to who just need someone to talk to or someone to listen. He’s very attentive on all of this, and there are many times that a bunch of people will come together to brighten people’s days. It’s really a great thing. Continue reading

[DISCUSS] The Seven Deadly Traits… I mean sins…


I’m going to put this in the simplest terms possible. The Christian god is a reflection of what man truly wants to be, the all-power, omnipotent ruler of all things, not because man/god is a worthy ruler, but because it is man’s/god’s right as the most intelligent thing in the world/universe. Just as man has his seven deadly sins, so the Christian god has his seven deadly traits. Continue reading

[POEM] Cyclical


This is a long one, guys. But I’ve been having a lot of fun doing free-hand, slam poetry style stuff lately, to try to get myself to write a little something in the middle of all this wedding madness. I’ll try to type up an update to all that planning and nonsense later.

The poem is inspired by yet another Yahoo thread reply I made today. I’ve really been, for lack of a better word, exhausted lately by the supposed ‘reasoning’ that the universe’s existence is proof of an intelligent creator. It’s just about the most pompous self-justification of one’s beliefs I can think of. It’s pompous in that it suggests that the intelligence of man at a higher level is enough to create a universe. It’s a self-justification with no merit in that it breaks the rule it’s trying to prove. The universe can’t exist on its own, so a creator must have made it. But that creator doesn’t need a creator of its own. The creator is allowed to break the rule, but the universe itself cannot. Ugh. See the poem for the rest. Enjoy all. Cheers.



Round and round you spin.

Where you stop?

Everyone knows,

it’s where you think you’ll win. Continue reading

[DISCUSS] Golden Rule Edited: Love Thyself, THEN Thy Neighbor

“Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. [is] (…) the single greatest, simplest, and most important moral axiom humanity has ever invented, one which reappears in the writings of almost every culture and religion throughout history, the one we know as the Golden Rule.”          ~Ebon Musings, ‘A dialogue for the modern world’, Adam Lee (Humanism)

“The sage has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; he is also kind to the unkind: for Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; he is also faithful to the unfaithful: for Virtue is faithful.”          ~Tao Te Ching, Chapter 49 (Taoism)

“Just as pain is not agreeable to you, it is so with others. Knowing this principle of equality treat other with respect and compassion.”          ~Suman Suttam, Verse 150 (Jainism)

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”          ~The Bible, Luke 10:27 (Christianity)

“One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Other behavior is due to selfish desires.”          ~Anusasana Parva, Section CXIII, Verse 8 (Hinduism)

“Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.”          ~Bahá’u’lláh (Bahá’í Faith)



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[DISCUSS] The Origins of Moral Standards: Part 1

moralsI’ve been contemplating this post for quite a few weeks, having my own discussions with my fiance and a couple other friends who are willing to have open discussions on such things with me. The premise of this post is the following question: What is the source of morality?  Now, most of you will have already read my little poem on my philosophical principle of the Facets of Morality which constitute the moral standard of the world we live in today. I’ve mentioned that these facets suggested in this poem (social, familial, spiritual, and personal) may not be the only facets, and if anyone has any ideas of other aspects of human life which would contribute to moral standards which are not covered in these four, I’d love to hear what they are and how they contribute to the overall picture of morality… but I digress. Continue reading

[MUSIC] The Most Truthful Song Ever Written

This is an installment of my series My Life’s Playlist.

Today’s feature is the most truthful song ever written: From God’s Perspective by Bo Burnham.

I have nothing more to say besides what I’ve already said. This is the most truthful song ever written. Bo Burnham is George Carlin’s replacement in the world, and although I appreciate Carlin’s genius, I’m extremely happy that I am living the time of Burnham.

[DISCUSS] Happy Medium: The Universe as God

I was lying awake the other night, listening to myself breathing and waiting for the weight of my eyelids to send me off into the black abyss of sleep. I started to observe the nature of what constitutes breathing, the constant of in-and-out, the expansion and contraction of the lungs to circulate oxygen to the body. This little observation of myself led to my brain having a spark that bolted me back up and awake. The below is my attempt to get this spark into words.

deep-cosmos-view-HSTUltraDeep-xl Continue reading

[DISCUSS] The Horrors of Heaven


As always, I was drawn into some comment threads today. On a particularly non-religious thread – specifically, a thread discussing Uruguay’s legalization of marijuana markets – somehow a man brought up going to heaven, making some obscure and ridiculous connection between the smoking of pot and going to hell. (…Don’t ask, I still don’t know how that happened…) His comment about heaven somehow evolved into whether people in heaven can ‘look down upon us’ here on Earth. Here is his full comment on the subject:

The Bible does not specifically say whether or not people in heaven can look down on us who are still on the earth. It is highly unlikely that they can. Why? First, they would sometimes see things that would cause them grief or pain, namely, acts of sin and evil. Since there is no grief, tears, or unhappiness in heaven (Revelation 21:4), it does not seem that observing earthly events would be possible. Second, people in heaven are so preoccupied with worshipping God and enjoying the glories of heaven that it does not seem they would have significant interest in what is happening here on earth. The very fact that they are free from sin and experiencing God’s presence in heaven surely is more than enough to captivate their attention. While it is possible that God allows people in heaven to look down upon their loved ones, the Bible gives us no reason to believe this actually occurs.

It occurred to me that this specific situation is one of the things which drew me away from the Christian concept of God, and specifically the Christian concept of the afterlife. Continue reading

[DISCUSS] Discriminating Cake


So I’m sure most of you have seen the story about the homosexual couple who were denied their wedding cake by a baker who claimed it was against his beliefs to support their marriage by making them a cake. The baker was then sued by the couple, who won the case in court, and now the baker doesn’t have a choice but to make the couple a cake.

Well, according to Fox News, the result of this lawsuit is “The Death of Free Enterprise.”

Now let me start this by being devil’s advocate, shall I? Because in my view, everyone involved in this situation is a jerk. A massive jerk. Continue reading