There’s a lot to be said for the writer who admits she (or he) has an organizational problem. I think it’s high time I start playing my own hero in this viral world of writing and posting and writing and posting and stab that stupid procrastination monster in the back! I have to fight for my right to write! 😛 Even if it’s against myself.

Kristen Lamb's Blog

Writers are no strangers to stress. Many of us work full-time day jobs and write, or we balance a family and write, or we balance a family, a day job, and school, and write. There is just so much to keep up with, and few of us are blessed enough to have a secret lab with a death ray that will vaporize intruders….though I’m still saving. Frequently, writers will whine say, “But I just don’t have tiiiime. Writing and work and blogging and social media. There isn’t enough tiiiiiiime.”

Granted, all of us are spread thinly, but the thing is we have the same 24 hours as everyone else. Often we DO have the time, we just lack focus. We don’t have a time management conflict, we have a values conflict. Very often we have plenty of time, we just have values or beliefs or weaknesses that are devouring our…

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