NaPoWriMo: Day 2

I wear white socks

with my black dress shoes

out of sheer laziness

and lack of sunlight.

Coworkers peak around my cubicle

in concern for my muffled laughter

to glance Youtube videos

of animated unicorns

and children rooming with Satan.


every day,

my hair migrates into a ponytail.

I care about matching

the green of my shirt

to the tan of my boots…

at least when I have time.

I am brown haired, brown eyed,

chubby where is counts and slim where it doesn’t,

and I could care less what you think.

I am me.

I am perfect for me.

And I am perfect for him.

That’s all that counts.

Thought I’d try some visual poetry. A little image of me, divided in three. How do you interpret the format? I’d like to see if I got my point across well or not.